it starts with Mogwai.

My Photo
Location: East Malaysia, Malaysia

I am not a morning person. I like lakes, sunrise and I love money.

et cetera:

Google News
Desnudians' Rendevous
Vincey's first sanctuary
Vincey's new sanctuary
Beck's Beads
Sizzle Says pt. I
Sizzle Says pt. II


April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
October 2005
November 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
October 2007
March 2008
June 2008
July 2008
November 2008
February 2009


photoshop elements 2.0

Monday, October 31, 2005


At home and I am supposed to be sleeping. OR supposedly watching Tv. What the hell's wrong with this font!! Better now. I don't have a problem posting entries, but the editing, boy.. it sure can wear me out. Correction: PISS ME OFF.
I mean, rite, you're trying to do one thing and it came out another. What's up with that? And almost a whole different codes too. I had to figure it out myself and it took me about 20 minutes. Hah. Why do they have to do that?
Now, now.. I'm getting off track again. If Mum finds out I'm online at this hour, she'd kill me and then bring me back to clean up the mess. Checked my Friendster and I got one testimonial from Asbaidah. Neat. And because nobody's supposed to log on from this PC, it doesn't have IM or IRC and it's still on dial-up! Bah. Totally frustrating. I have to figure out the alignment thing too. Aih~
I've been getting lesser and lesser sleep since I came home. What is up with that. And I hardly feel sleepy too. Scaring the heck out of me. Must be the nerve system or something. I have to wake Bob up at about now too.
Heck, I cannot do a damn thing with this bloody connection. Might as well L.O. and hook up after I got back to Dggn.
Must get back to this.

::xoxoxo:: 2:15 AM

[0] X's and O's

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First time around.

The perfect male speciment!
I posted this!

This is the perfect male speciment.
You can disagree. He's MY male speciment. Hah. Legolas Greenleaf might be my favorite hero, but Chad is The Guy. He's getting married and all, but hey, a girl can dream, rite. Haih~

He's talented, he's good-looking and he's REAL nice. I should get them to clone him or something. I seriously don't have anything to write on about today. Was just putting these babies up and checking that blog entry from my email. It worked out fine. Neat.

In about two weeks we're gonna have a project paper presentation and I still haven't done anything. My name is not even up on the list! I'm gonna have to go see Mr A about it which totally sucks cause I really hate all these dealing with lecturers stuff. And Slick hasn't called yet. Well, he can't blame me later cause I DID call. N called me and told me about some free course (and they even pay you to take it!) I can take and asked me to check about it on the Internet. I'm like, totally off track and can't write a decent sentence here. Bloody hell. I should just stop here today.

Word for the day: Irrelevant.

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
extraneous, foreign, garbage, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapropos, inapt, inconsequent, inconsequential, insignificant, not germane, outside, pointless, remote, trivial, unapt, unconnected, unimportant, unrelated, without reference

Main Entry:
beside the point
Part of Speech:
not pertaining to
beside the question, immaterial, inapplicable, insignificant, irrelevant, nihil ad rem, not at issue, not to the purpose, off the subject, pointless, unrelated, wide of the mark, wide of the point

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
accidental, additional, adventitious, extra, foreign, immaterial, impertinent, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, incidental, inessential, irrelevant, needless, nonessential, peripheral, pointless, redundant, superfluous, supplementary, unconnected, unessential, unnecessary, unrelated
basic, essential, integral, necessary, needed, relevant

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
abortive, bootless, empty, frivolous, fruitless, futile, groundless, hollow, insignificant, irrelevant, not serious, nugatory, otiose, pointless, rambling, superficial, trivial, unavailing, unhelpful, unnecessary, unproductive, unsuccessful, useless, vain, worthless

Antonyms: meaningful

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
casuistic, cockeyed, dopey, fallacious, false, far out, fatuous, faulty, groundless, hollow, implausible, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent, inconsistent, incorrect, invalid, irrational, irrelevant, mad, meaningless, not following, nutty, preposterous, screwy, self-contradictory, senseless, sophistic, sophistical, specious, spurious, unconnected, unproved, unreasonable, unscientific, unsound, unsubstantial, untenable, wacky, without basis, without foundation

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
exceptionable, ill-favored, ill-timed, immaterial, improper, inappropriate, inapt, incompetent, inept, irrelevant, malapropos, objectionable, unacceptable, unallowable, unbecoming, undesirable, unfit, unqualified, unreasonable, unsatisfactory, unseemly, unsuited, unwanted, unwelcome

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
extraneous, foreign, garbage, immaterial, impertinent, inapposite, inappropriate, inapropos, inapt, inconsistent, irrelative, irrelevant, remote, unsuitable, unsuited
applicable, relevant

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
not proper
bad form, disproportionate, garbage, ill-fitted, ill-suited, ill-timed, improper, inapplicable, inapropos, incongruous, inconsonant, incorrect, indecorous, inept, irrelevant, left field, malapropos, off, off base, off color, tasteless, unbecoming, unbefitting, undue, unfit, unfitting, unmeet, unseasonable, unseemly, unsuitable, untimely, way off, wrong, wrong number
appropriate, proper, suitable

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
not important
bush, bush-league, casual, dinky, flimsy, fly speck, immaterial, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, irrelevant, lesser, light, lightweight, little, meager, meaningless, minim, minimal, minor, minor-league, minuscule, minute, negligible, nondescript, nonessential, nugatory, paltry, petty, pointless, purportless, scanty, secondary, senseless, shoestring, small, small beer, small-fry, small-time, trifling, trivial, unimportant, unsubstantial

Main Entry:
neither here nor there
Part of Speech:
beside the point, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, irrelevant, nonessential, not at issue, nothing to do with the case, off the subject, unessential

::xoxoxo:: 5:10 PM

[0] X's and O's

If you're wondering, yes, I AM a fan.

If you're wondering, yes, I AM a fan.
I posted this!

Yes, I am a big fan of hers. I got all her albums. Oh, rite 'cept In The Zone. It just kinda slipped or something. I've been a fan since her first album. First single. I don't care if the rest of the world doesn't like her or think she's crappy and all. I think she's doing a good job as an entertainer. Besides, she doesn't bitch around that much. Not saying her current image is good role model stuff, but heck. I like her music, I like her dancing and well, she's as pretty as ever to me. I don't believe in condemning other people - like saying their music and trash and everything - just because you don't like their music. Music is music. Music is universal.
They're only doing something they love doing, rite. It's not exactly a crime. And they get paid doing it, so what's the deal, rite. You don't like the music, don't listen. I mean, I detest Aguilera's guts (all that infamous bitchiness) but I still think she's one heck of a singer. There's no denying that. And I listen to some of her numbers. So let's go back to Britney rite. She's like my favorite singer and all, but my favorite kind of music comes from Dido, Lifehouse and Evanescence. Oh, and Marilyn Manson. Gothic rock, mostly. Yay... I'm not totally a bimbo. I passed the validation. HAH.
I must be really bored or this got to be some case of a lagged nervousness. I almost cried talking to Mr Patrick. I mean, he's so nice! If only he's taller. Ha ha. Forget that. So how did I get from Britney to Mr Patrick?

::xoxoxo:: 4:41 PM

[0] X's and O's

eh, look.

This is supposedly the color of my heart.
I posted this!

I took some quiz on the Internet few months back: What Color Is Your Heart and I got this. Ha ha. It's half true and at least it was fun. You can take some too, if you're into these things. You know, killing time stuff. There's a link to the right of this page.

It's raining again today but at least I've already went and talked to Mr Patrick. He was so nice and all. I should've known. It's not like I don't know him before. Idiot. I should've went and see him weeks ago. Now I have to go around and talk to all the other lecturers. Bugger. I hope Ms Sabrina will listen to me. Haih~

::xoxoxo:: 4:29 PM

[0] X's and O's

My baby.

This is my baby.
I posted this!

That is my Neopet. Adorable, isn't she? Well, actually mine doesn't have the wings yet, I am still looking around for the bloody paintbrush. You'd think I could just buy one at the shops, but no you have to walk around Neopia to find one. But I will find one soon. If you think she's cute, there are like, dozens more you can adopt at Neopets. She's about 1000++ days old now ( I forgot). I'm trying to find more codestones needed for her training. She doesn't like veggies (unnerving resemblance!) and likes to play a lot. She's almost real, eh. I wonder if I'm too old to be keeping a vitual pet. Haih~

::xoxoxo:: 4:21 PM

[0] X's and O's

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I hope this really works out.

I figured if there is such option as posting from email I think I'd be
updating my journal more frequently. But first, I'd see how this work out

::xoxoxo:: 11:00 PM

[0] X's and O's


I simply cannot resist this
Posted by ME!

::xoxoxo:: 7:54 PM

[0] X's and O's

My favorite hero.

Well, it used to be Spiderman. But Spidey doesn't have a beautiful language. A whole different tongue altogether. How hot is that? Well, you don't have to agree with me, of course. Anyway, this is the wallpaper on the PC. You can get it from Council of Elrond. Nice, ain't it. Well, Vince, this is like, the 4th today. How'd you like that eh? I have this bad habit of sticking around the net for hours. I plan on putting up more of him here now that I've got the picture thing covered. I'd have to borrow my mom's camera to take more pictures soon. Not mine, of course. HAH. Putting up my picture here? No chance. I'm not even using my own name. I mean, my real name. But it's okay, rite. Everybody calls me Ash nowadays anyway.

Need I say more?
Posted by ME!

So like, maybe I should stop here for today. By the way, for breaking fast I had chicken and Marlboro. Red, baby. The best. We East Malaysians have the privilege of breaking fast about an hour early than those in the West.
Whatever. If only I had started learning Sindarin earlier I'd probably be able to write something in it by now. Like a poem or something. Not that I am any good at it or something. I've stopped writing any for months now. Heck, I hardly even write in my journal anymore. Not this journal. I have one at home. I have one every year. Yes. How much of a geek does that make me eh? Haih~

::xoxoxo:: 6:59 PM

[0] X's and O's

3 in one day.

3 in one day. Not bad for me, eh, Tyler? And how's that to make up for one millenia, Vince? Actually this isn't even a real entry. I just needed to post this thing.

FLTER says:
Main Entry: dislike
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: antagonism
Synonyms: animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, deprecation, detestation, disapprobation, disapproval, disesteem, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, displeasure, dissatisfaction, distaste, enmity, hate, hostility, indisposition, loathing, mislike, objection, offense, opposition, prejudice
FLTER says:
Main Entry: dislike
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: despise
Synonyms: abhor, abominate, allergic to, antipathize, avoid, condemn, contemn, deplore, despise, detest, disapprove, disesteem, disfavor, disrelish, eschew, execrate, hate, loathe, mind, not appreciate, not endure, object to, regret, resent, scorn, shudder at, shun, turned off

And all I did was ask him another word for "dislike". Not bad, huh? He's always very helpful that way. I haven't talked to him for quite a while and wanted to continue the conversation but he got disconnected or something. Must be his precious PC again. Or the royal connection. Take a pick. Might as well put the rest of it down here. And it's not like I mention any names. Rite.

Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
u know, i'm still not going to class, and i wanted to go see my lecturer today but changed my mind as well and i dont know whats becoming of me
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
so whats new with you

FLTER says:
hmm nothing much
FLTER says:
busy with masters assignment
FLTER says:
taking CCNA in december
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
wats ccna
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
so u arent working?

FLTER says:
supposed to start in december
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
[oops, I actually mentioned a name here so I have to bleep this or he'll kill me], what should i do with me?
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
wats ccna? where are u taking this?

Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
so u arent working?
FLTER says:
i'm supposed to start in december
FLTER says:
ccna is cisco certified network associate
Don't bother me unless you're a Sex God. says:
one of these days u gonna fry ur head off

FLTER says:
yes i know

Anyway, I might as well put this one here so I won't forget about it.

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
abridge, ban, black out, blacklist, bleach, bleep, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, clean up, conceal, control, cork, criticize, cut, decontaminate, delete, edit, examine, excise, expurgate, exscind, inspect, launder, narrow, oversee, purge, purify, refuse transmission, repress, restrain, restrict, review, revile, sanitize, scissor out, squelch, sterilize, strike out, supervise communications, suppress, withhold
allow, approve, endorse, permit, sanction
Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

I'm a sucker for vocabs. Haha. I kept thinking about the Guy last nite. He's been the Guy for nights, actually. A few weeks now. But we only talked last nite when he offered to walk me home. And he actually knows my brother. Sweet. I mean, he's a bit on the skinny side, but he's really really cute and nice too. Besides, he's a friend of Jude's and them. So maybe he's okay. He offered to walk me home! Big deal, eh, Vincey? But he has been looking. Ditto me. Bah. Whatever. I really should get going. So Vince, I hope this one can last a millenia.
Go read 'em thesaurus!

::xoxoxo:: 5:06 PM

[0] X's and O's

What luck.

I tried to get Vince in IRC and guess what, he was there. Long enuff to help me with the profile photo and to give me the URL to the girl with the pussy. Yes, she actually writes about her pussy. Go on and see for yourself here it's hilarious. Well, at least to me and a few friends of mine. Including the Desnudians. Tyler's here as well urging me to go and see Mr Patrick. Bugger. Billy's here as well. He's gonna talk my ear off.
That's a metaphor, mind you!
What should I do with me, hmmm? WHAT.

::xoxoxo:: 4:14 PM

[0] X's and O's

I'm not supposed to be here.

I found this on the PC. Well, it's not my PC but I thought the picture's really cute or something.
Posted by ME!

Anyway, I just thought I'd post the friendster message I sent to Chait recently as I know I would not remember it if I don't and I don't really wanna keep it somewhere else. Well, here goes..

chait. babe. what would i do without you.
unfortunately i havent had any spare time for the bloody photography thing yet as i've been bloody busy helping my mom but at least it kept my mind occupied. rite. i'm otherwise fine. as fine as i could be. i'm falling apart. panic mode strikes and i'm telling you it's not good. but my ground is not shaken yet so i'm holding on. do i make any sense? my anger issue is getting worse. i blow up at the littlest thing. whatever. my problem is money. money money money. bloody brother is not providing any. i need a job but cant start anywhere or anything until after raya. mom's keeping me occupied with bloody preparations. most times i hate it. most times i feel so bloody sorry for everyone. most times i pretty much just hate everyone and everything and still able to keep everything to myself. ha bloody ha. i'm becoming more and more quiet. whats the bloody word for it? spend most of my times in my room on my bed reading. useless stuffs mostly. btw i saw estelle in magazine. i feel so empty babe. i dont know what i want anymore. or if i even want anything. i've lost my passion. i'm almost only existing. dont listen to me it'll make u bitter. i need a cold dark place to hibernate or something. shut myself away from the world. i have lost my reverie. i've even stopped writing in my journal. i should be writing some good things down here. lemme think of mom is satisfied with me lately. thats about it. i've been thinking about that poison romeo took. i think it existed. a friend sent me an email and i swear my blood went cold. forget that. i thought i was doing pretty okay lately. but then i realized i didnt feel anything lately. so bloody detached. or maybe i'm just angry. anger is a pretty scary thing, you know.
i'm scared, chait.

So that's about it. I must have been really stressed out then. Don't even think about mentioning the 'D' word. It makes me shiver just to think about it. Pumpkin said I just snapped or something when I broke up with Nick (before getting back together) about two months ago. He said I need to seek help. I don't wanna seek help. I mean, I don't even trust those people! Whatever. I just wish I can really figure out what's going on in my head. How did Vince find out about this journal anyway? I have to ask him. And I still haven't asked Tyler for his new blog. I seem to be forgetting a fuckin lot of things lately. It's raining again. And I am suppose to go see Mr Patrick about classes and stuff. I hate this. But it's 2.31 pm now. I should really go.

I read Vince's "fruitful conversation" with God. Freakin hilarious. Ditto the Japanese (or was it some other) girl with her "pussy page" haha. Ashruff just gave me another funny site. Well, he said it's the funniest shit to read online. I haven't even started yet. I really should go now. But I'm dreading this. What if he says no? Not Ashruff, Mr Patrick. Wait, where's Slick going with the flash drive now. I need to save the document.
Would you believe it, learning Sindarin is just like learning English, really. It even has adjectives and articles and stuff. No shit. But I still like it. I'm going way off track. Haha. You shouldn't be reading this. Go read this: maybe you'll find it funny. Just my luck, Vince is not around and I need that site to the girl and her pussy page. Okay, not need. Want. Yay, Slick left me the flash drive.
Hmm.. do I really wanna go and see Mr Patrick? I know I should. I only have until Friday and who knows what stuff he'll make me do? It might take a week or so to complete his "tasks". Bah.
I seriously should go. That picture stuff is still confusing me and nobody's around to ask. I better get done with the Sindarin thing.

::xoxoxo:: 2:49 PM

[0] X's and O's