it starts with Mogwai.

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Location: East Malaysia, Malaysia

I am not a morning person. I like lakes, sunrise and I love money.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm sick of this.

I had a strange dream last nite. Strange. But nice. There was a guy in particular who reminded me of someone I couldn't quite put my finger on. There was a sense of familiarity around him. Like I've met him before. Which sounds really stupid cos it was just a dream. I woke up feeling weird, but I thought the day would unfold just fine. I was wrong because today people seem to find a reason to piss me off. And I can't fuckin get the bloody song I wanted. I'm sick of this. I meant to write something nice today but well, it just isn't my day today. And I'm heartbroken. I don't know why I bother with this journal when nobody else is reading this. I wish Pumpkin is here. I need to talk to him but he seems to be MIA these past few days. Not even answering the phone. I wonder what's going on with him. I wish he's not 3000 miles away.

I wish I have those pills.

::xoxoxo:: 11:20 PM

[2] X's and O's